In this paper, track initialization and track deletion in multiple target tracking using an Infrared Search and Track ( IRST) system are described. 首先描述了红外搜索跟踪(IRST)系统进行多目标跟踪中的跟踪起始和跟踪终结问题;
Finally, this paper mainly analyzes the methods of radar data processing, including track initiation, point-track association, track supplement, track die out, deletion of remnant points and track display. Simultaneously, it gives the results of simulation. 最后,着重分析了雷达数据处理方法,包括航迹起始、点迹航迹关联、航迹补点、航迹消亡、剩余点迹的删除以及航迹显示,并给出了仿真结果。